Commission an Instrument

Violin making is a true craft. To create instruments that are durable, sound well and look beautiful requires rigorous training and dedication. A well made, modern violin if properly cared for can last multiple lifetimes.

My instruments are made with high quality tonewood: maple back, neck and sides and a spruce top. Fittings are from ebony, boxwood or rosewood, depending on your selection. The instrument will be fully set up and ready to play upon purchase.

Customers may be as involved in the process as they would like to be: you can come to the workshop and select the wood and you’ll receive regular images and updates as the making progresses.

I also offer bespoke decorative carvings, please see the gallery below for my most recent decorated “Folk Who Roam” violin.

What you’ll receive

You will be presented with a certificate of authenticity upon purchase, and a small photo book detailing the process of your specific violin being made. You will also be given a free service at 6 months, in order to carry out any tonal adjustments as the instrument matures.


The price will vary depending on your wood selection, fittings and other requirements.

Violin £4,800+

Viola £6,000+

Commission an instrument


To start the process of commissioning an instrument, please fill out the form below and I will get in touch.